Mr. Nikhil Katti
Mr. Nikhil Katti, aged 37 years, is a Promoter and the Managing Director of our Company. He holds a Bachelor degree of Business Administration from Karnataka University, Dharwad as well as a degree of Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in International Marketing from the University of Wales. He was serving on the Board of our Company since 2009. Having gained over 11 years experience in the sugar industry, he is responsible for the overall growth and development of all our segments especially the distillery unit. He is also involved in the marketing of the products of our Company and has been instrumental in the brand positioning and expansion of our Indian Made Liquor (IML) products. He is also a Member of Zilla Panchayat Ammanagi. He has been awarded The Economic Times Certificate of Excellence for his exceptional work and being a pioneer in the field of ‘Sugar and Ethanol Sector’ in the year 2021.

Mr. Kush Katti
Mr. Kush Katti, aged 34 years, is a Promoter and Whole-time Director of our Company. He has completed his Master degree in Business Administration from ESC Pau Business School, France. He has been serving on the Board of our Company since 2013 and is instrumental in maintaining cordial relations with farmers and ensuring sugarcane supply to the factory. He is also actively associated with Bellad Bagewadi Urban Souhard Bank located in Bellad Bagewadi. He is also part of many social works in this region and takes active part in administrating Shri V. M. Katti Educational Trust, which includes primary, secondary, PU college and ITI colleges. Further, he undertakes many social activities through Rahul Katti Sports and Social Club.

Mr. Shivanand Tubachi
Mr. Shivanand Tubachi, aged 70 years, is the Non-Executive Independent Director of our Company. He has completed his Bachelor degree of Arts from Karnataka University. He has over 23 years of experience of working in banking sector. He worked as general manager in the Belgavi District Co-operative Bank Ltd. for 2006 – 2011 and is currently associated with the bank in advisory capacity.
Mr. Basavaraj Hagaragi
Mr. Basavaraj Hagaragi, aged 65 years, is the Non-Executive Independent Director of our Company. He has completed his Bachelor degree of Arts from Karnataka University. He has over 23 years of experience in Banking Sector. He has worked in BDCC Bank as Branch Manager, Senior Manager since 1981 and was promoted as General Manager in 2007. He is currently retired.

Mrs. Pratibha Munnolli
Mrs. Pratibha Munnolli, aged 35 years, is the Non-Executive Independent Director of our Company. She holds Bachelor degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka. She has more than 8 years of experience as medical practitioner.

Mr. Mukesh Kumar
Mr. Mukesh Kumar, aged 58 years, has been appointed as an Executive Director of our Company. He has completed his Bachelor of Science (Chemical Engineering) from Ranchi University. He has more than 3 decades of experience in petroleum, distillery and sugar industry including approximately 15 years in our Company from the year 2003 to 2016. He has also acted as a Whole Time Director of our Company from 2009 till 2016 wherein he has been responsible for our Company achieving various milestones. After approximately 3 years, he was recently re-appointed as a Director in our Company to manage various day to day activities.
Mr. Vishnukumar M. Kulkarni
Mr. Vishnukumar Mahadeo Kulkarni, aged 62 years has been appointed as Non Executive Independent Director of our Company. He has completed M.Sc. in MICROBIOLOGY from Poona University in the year 1983. He has started own proprietary concern V. M. Biotech for research, Consultancy and manufacturing special chemicals in the field of microbiology for sugar industry, water treatment and biotechnology. Developed rapid acting biocides for sugar industry viz. POLMAX ESR and Polmax Supreme, SUCROGUARD for infield cane sanitation etc. he is a Life member of South India Sugar Technologists Association.Visiting faculty in microbiology for Alcohol Technology Post Graduate Course at Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune.Visiting faculty in microbiology for Sugar and Alcohol Technology Post Graduate Course at Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune.Visiting faculty to Gujarat University in Microbiology Dept. for Specialization subject M.Sc. in Sugar microbiology since 2000.
Mrs. Sneha Nithin Dev
Sneha Nithin Dev, aged 37 years, is one of the Promoter of the Company. She is holding a Bachelor of Business Administration. She is the daughter of Late. Shri. Umesh Katti and sister of Mr. Nikhil Katti –Managing Director. She is actively associated with social activities of the community. She has knowledge in the field of finance and accounts.
Company Secretary